Our GPS transmitter has arrived and I've been testing it out. One of it's functions is to emit a signal every 10 minutes that is picked up by the SPOT company and it is automatically logged on to a Google Map which any of you can monitor (having the password). This is the link. Email me ( aroundtheblock07@gmail.com ) to get the password. Feel free to tell other Peru friends the password, but DO NOT put it in writing PLEASE! Our safety may depend on it.... (Note: The password is what they call you in Peru when you are a foreigner by blood, but have "gone native".. )
Another function of it is that the press of the "SOS" button can call Search and Rescue anywhere in the world, known also as Emergency Evacuation. This service covers all medical and evacuation needs of the first 72 hours after the call. The cost is only $16.95 per person for this trip. This is not your regular travel insurance, it is Emergency Medical Evacuation and treatment that can extract you out of the middle of the jungle or off some Andean trail. I think we should all consider this...